Retail Fixtures

Commercial Construction

| Our Commercial Construction Experience

As an experienced and fully licensed low rise commercial building company the Team at Associated Projects have delivered many successful projects across the Education, Child Care, Retail and Hospitality sector.

We have strong culture of ‘safety first’ and a detailed construction management processes which ensures each of our projects are delivered on time and on budget. Our experience is in both new construction and building redevelopment of single level and multi-level buildings. We offer a variety of construction types including tilt slab construction, masonry construction and light weight construction depending on the situation and/or predetermined design.

As a client focussed business our point of difference is the way we communicate with our clients through the process ensuring they have a level of comfort at all times. We appreciate every client, every build, and every circumstance is different and adjust accordingly. Over the years we have had clients with very limited development experience who need a different level and type of communication to our very experienced clients who request simple weekly project updates that they can easily dissect and understand.

Retail Fixtures Melbourne

| Early Contractor Involvement

With many years of construction experience, our clients often seek our assistance at the feasibility stage of a project and ask for our services into the planning phases.

The types of services we offer around this include site and building feasibility assessments, dilapidations reports, site surveys, project budgeting, planning requirement investigation, heritage checks, supply services audits (Water/waste/gas/phone/internet), engineer’s reports, specialist consultant reports, advice around buildability, value engineering, Construction Management Plans and design services.